Today, Boon asked me about independant films and if I liked it, and he showed me the short film "Cut" by Roystan Tan... basically mocking the Singapore Censorship Board for "Cutting" 27 scenes from his MOVIE 15.
Yes... The Movie, I never knew it was made into a movie. I liked the short film, because it really showed how gangsters were in Singapore, so I decided to watch The Movie..
After sitting through 1:30 mins of this.. I found the movie... boring.. BUT very true.. although I think he did leave out the karaoke portion.. >.< ... Ah-Bengs (the local term for them) who acted in the movie are real life Ah Bengs... According to some reviews I've read.. some of them have gone to jail after the movie hence no Part 2..
Some snippets in this movie did bring back memories of my past.. like the self mutilation and body piercing... Yea.. I remember me and some of my girl friends using a cutter and making little slashes in our skin juz cuz.. and my piercing phase... where I had to pierce like 7 ear holes on one ear... (I don't think this phase is over since I still wana go pierce my navel)
I remember having a "brother" that had this huge "Guan Gong" tattooed on his back, (thats the God that most triads pray to as it symbolizes honor, loyalty, integrity, justice, courage, and strength) and his tattoo was itching... so he needed someone to help him put lotion and scratch his back lmao =)
Yea and his place was this apt where u'd walk in and there were like ten over 1/2 naked guys walking around high on something or juz smoking cigz (back that the trend was to sniff glue) with enough tattoos to compete with GNR... They had a big screen TV with an LD player that was constantly playing this MTV / Karaoke haha it was my fav song back than too.. only available on a Marlboro Red Hot Hits Summer Party CD lol
Anyways heres 15: The Movie if you wana watch it =D
Rated R: (Male Genitals, Nauseating Scene of swalling a Drug Filled Condom, offensive language in English, Hokkien, Mandarin, Malay, Tamil.. blah blah)
Movie is primarily in Mandarin and Hokkien (no subtitles)