Here are some pics from my rampage, I believe it all started out with my ex-boss's going party at Cafe-Iguana... and my craving for BURRITO!!!
Grilled Chicken Burrito con Chile Verde....... well it doesn't really look like Chile Verde.. hehe but it some wat taste like it... HEY Beggers can't be choosy... of course i can't compare this to damn Alberto's.... ARGHHHH haha but it's MEXICAN FOOD... so watever!!
Happy People filled with Happy Food.. =) yummmm...
After the going away party.......... I had a "welcome back to singapore" party.. CHENG is back in town!!!! yea!!!! =)
Anyways he picked me up back from work.. and we went to this... umm place out in he boondocks where nobody in the world would have known or heard about this place :P
Look at it!!! it looks soo broken down... absolutely in the middle of no where... and right next to an old air base where we can see private planes take off...
But the place has some pretty damn good buffalo wings... It has spice levels from 1-10 and the Chef's challenge where I think it becomes more like buffalo peppers... >.< coated with MORE peppers... hahaha insane... I had the level 3.. and it was manageable... a good amt of spice... and my tongue didn't go "Mi-sa jajabinks"
After Dinner we went to the new Tampines Ikea for a walk.... its Huge-nor-mous... its probably the BIGGEST ikea that I've ever seen... ITS MASSSIVE!!
Anyways here's darren looking like he came out from some Gundam comic... lol
Hmmm... well I think these few weeks went by sooo fast that I don't even really remember what happened... All I know is I haven't been home much haha and I found a new place... well I didn't find it but Steph keeps going there its hard not for me not to goo.. its a pretty place.. but just nobody does any dancing there they just sit and stare at all the beautiful people
Cafe Del Mar..
Its both pretty in the day and at night... most of the time people just go there to people watch... look at each other Seksi bodies.... haha I've onni been into the water once.. and it was at night... hehe.. nothing to see here move along people..!!
Its on the sand... and its open 24 hrs on friday and saturday till sunday... for sun tanners and night partiers... so its nice.. but not for me since I'm not a sand sun person... ewks...
St James is more my place... MOVIDA... I think I've never been so into a place before I love the music there!!! they play latin music.. to bhangra... to hiphop haha >.< yea my kinda music... and yea u sorta always meet someone u know there and meet new peepz...
Chris at Bellini's
Oh yea.. and OF COURSE I went to Balaclava... I hate that place... its all these bald middle aged men... in their mid life crisis trying to pick up SQ girls... oh bother.. don't know why but Steph likes it there so here's me and Steph again... at Bala again...
Hehehe my fat face hehehe
I'd probably get screamed at if he knew I posted this... but whatevers... he said he doesn't do this Loser Blogging myspace shyt.. so yea chances of him seeing this HAHA watevers
Raph's Cleavage... haha it was a "tit for tat" kinda camera thing going on...
Proud owner of those 46Bs.... HAHAHA
Soooooooooo After all that partying.. and going out... I fall sick... :P
My Doc is uber.. she told me and I quote "the reason you're sick is probably because you went out too much last week and didn't eat and drink enough water"
thats why I'm home sick... and writing this blog.... a lil' too much... :P NOTTI ME!