This was the year I picked up the name "Nottigurl"
LoL So I was just googling nottigurl and see what I could find... found some interesting blast from the past stuff :P (all pics on this post are from the year 2003, chubby chubby!)
I used to have an account on it's just like a myspace.. but I think it was them that made the whole rating thing popular, hence the reason why i left findapix.... haha it was too depressing! I wasn't getting rated!! dammitz :P
But yea here's a little survey i found which i did for findapix this was probably done in 2003..
If you were any fruit, what would you be?
I would be a lemon.. LOL j/k. I wana be a passionfruit, cuz I believe in living life with a passion! Even just the name of it sounds interesting enough, and passionfruits are yummy, have you had one before? ;o)
What is your pet-peeve?
STYRAFOAM, omg omg STYRAFOAM, you know that high screeching sound of styrafoam? Yea thats what i HATE... with PASSION! Do that and I'll run, my hair will stand on its ends! I will totally cringe and freak out! Don't Ever Ever Ever do that to me NeVeR!
What qualities do you admire in a person?
Independence: cuz I KNOW how hard it is (I'm living through it) especially supporting yourself in another country where family is on the other side of the globe. Confidence: something that is always good to have more of but too much makes you proud. Aspirations: Knowing what you want, knowing what you'll be, knowing what you'll do, Its always good to have a dream and to be working towards it.
What qualities do you disapprove of in a person?
Players / Casuals: I don't get it... I just don't.. and I don't think I ever will. I believe in love, and loving someone whole heartedly I'm a dumb dumb romantic
What quality do you possess that sets you apart from others?
BuBBle-LiCiouS: hahaha I don't even think its a real word, but I know thats what alotta of my friends call me. Its just me! and I know thats me! haha Don't Ask me to describe it cuz I wouldn't know how! You would just have to know me and then you'll be nodding your head to bubble-licous too hehehe
If you were stuck on an island and could bring one item, what would it be?
My Glasses... I'm blind without them
Would u rather love someone or be loved?
I want it to be both ways.. I wana be crazy about someone, and I want him to be crazy about me too.. 2 crazy people in love
If tomorrow was your last day to live, what would you do?
Food!! Good Food Brings everyone together!! Fly everyone I know in SIngapore here to cali, call up all my cali friends and homis and just everyone who knows me.. Throw a big party with lotsa home cookin, groovin music and good company. When everybody in the room is having fun.. I'll sneak out through the back door with my special someone and spend da rest of whats left with him :)
What certain quality don’t you possess, but wish you did?
HooChiE-MaMa-Ness: Haha yea.. I've always been known as the "cute one", which is nice but I do wish that I could be this Big SeXi BomB SheLL lol with the Asian ChiNKy EyEs O.O
When was the most courageous moment in your life?
When My Ex-BF went into seizure and started turning purple when he fell during a snowboarding incident. I was there cRaZy WoRRieD but remained calmed and handled the situation the way it was supposed to. Nothing Biggy, but when u see a loved one like that, trying to stay calm and not becoming hysterical is such a Hard thing to doo..
When was the most embarrassing moment in your life?
When I kissed a boy in a dark closet when I was 6. LOL and he turned around, wiped the slime of his cheek and asked me "What was that?!?!"
What phrase do you use most often?
fock (in different tones and situations) :)
And here's a little description of the kind of guy I was looking for back then :P
My man has to be independent, smart, funny, intellectual, taller than 5'7", understand my crazy love for cars (best if he is into cars too) Someone who would cuddle me on cold nights under a warm blanky, in front of the fireplace watching a movie and eating CooKie Dough Ice Cream =)~~
Here's some pics that I found digging through my folders for 2003..
-It was also the DAOC (Dark Age of Camelot) Era for me too for you gamers out there :)
Me and Judy Back Then... at the Century Club!! lol Old Skool
Being a Biznoch as usual :P
Sick in my Rubber Ducky PJs... I skipped school
My First Bowl of Pho in Garden Grove
Lunch at My First Real Job :P (check out the chubby cheeks hahaha)
My WORST sunburn ever! Never went out in the sun for 8 hours ever again after that!
Going out to party after Graduation... (I miss my room back in college *sigh*)
This was also the year of Evanescence
the 672 when I sang the famous song "My Immortal" in the bathroom, playing DAOC, walking to school... sometimes at the top of my cracking voice >.<