1) | Air Tix to Florida / Paris / Dubai I don't really need a break haha but I do want to go somewhere far! This year I took many short trips mainly due to the FRIENDS getting married | |
2) | A midsized Pink Luggage I want/need a mid sized pink luggage for travel. The ones I have are black and they belong to my parents. I like colors! and its easier to identify them at the carousel. | |
3) | Black Nokia N95 8GB I've been shamelessly using the company's N95 for months now. Its about time I got my own.. and there really isn't any other phone out there that I like.. oh bother. | |
4) | Pink Nintendo DS Lite Cuz I have a Wii.. and I want to play Pokemon!! AND everybody I know seems to have a DS! I want the pink one.. hopefully the one with the sparklies but Swarovski hehe | |
5) | Lasik Surgery I've been wanting to do this because I'm practically blind without my contacts / glasses. And I look stoopid with glasses, unlike my sister. Some people just have the Sepctacooz face. | |
6) | Black Macbook Alot of peepz around me have gone MAC and has been asking me to try it. Because of the sexy black mac book that they have just launched I'm wiling to take a leap of faith. | |
7) | Hasbro's R2D2 This makes Hasbro R2D2 to shame! Nikko Electronics R2D2 has a built in projector, DVD player its doubly cute but probably doubly expensive, I'll still settle for the Hasbro one =D | |
8) | Ensemble, c'est tout DVD I want to watch this DVD! Cuz it has one of my favorite actresses.. Audrey Tautou | |
9) | Rolex Ladies Date(Mickey) Someone told me that Watches are a better investment than branded bags.. although I do like the Fuschia LV but haha money better Spent on a Rolex =D | |
10) | A Husky Puppy I WANT A DOGG!!!!! |
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Notti's 2007 Christmas List
LOL so I'm shameless I only post when I want something for Christmas, but this makes it easier for peepz to buy me pressiez its late yes with all the shipping but its ok.. I take post dated Christmas presents. =) I got most of the stuff I wanted last year just a couple of items that ARE STILL MISSING... hint hint.. so I carried them forward to this year still anticipating! Probably the best thing on last year's list that I got was my WII (add Mii!!) and also my little black coach hobo that I rarely use.. Anyhoos Thanks in advance and here goes!!!
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Birdpark Pics
Monday, May 28, 2007
Hawaii in April
So After Thailand.. next stop was Hawaii..
Left for Hawaii on April 14th totally pscyhed.. first time going to Hawaii and I've never been a Sun, Sand and Sea kinda girl so I was wondering how was that going to turn out :p
Anyhoo, on my way to Hawaii.. I had a stop over in Narita airport.. Northwest (Hate it.. flew it only because it was the cheapest and probably the shortest (ironically) transit time)

Oh and at Narita Airport I saw this cutest thing.. a Robotic Seal.. later I found out that this was some kinda award winning thing at comdex to accompany kids and old peepz to fill them up emotionally and physically?? I don't know I thot it was just cute hehe
But then again everything in Narita is cute, and this was JUST THE FREAKING airport for crying out loud in 1 hr I spent like a hundred bucks on useless cute shyt! I guess my best buy had to be this cute lip gloss thingy from bourjois for the mobile phone

AND Why don't we have such cute stuff in Singapore??
Anyways back on the plane for another 7 hours.. total trip from SIN to HNL... 21 hours.. I reek!! but Finally on the plane... a glimpse of Paradise.

Mikey came to pick me up from the airport, we went for brekkies at the Ala Moana mall (soon I found out that EVERYTHING is at Ala Moana Mall) and lata dropped me of a the Hilton Hawaiian Village..
The Hotel was Nice, it was like this entire village (duh) and we even had our own flamingos

The room was overlooking the Hilton Lagoon which very much looked like some kind of mud pool since it was under construction

Although it sorta got overshadowed by the beautiful rainbow.. but there was a rainbow in Hawaii nearly every other day because of the weather.
The very next day after landing in Hawaii.. I went out shopping =) went to the umm "market" i forgot which market it was but it was probably like the central market where all they sell is touristy stuff and make a shit load of money off of dumb tourist like me.. but who cares.. i'm on Holiday :P and I need souvenirs that I'll probably never use and put on my table to collect dust!

And this was the street where the Market was on.. I guess this was like the Rodeo Drive of Honolulu cuz all the big labels were on this road.. and I walked into coach to do a little price check before I ran to the outlet *wink*

After buying like a buncha souvenirs... it was still a tad early and we thought we might hit the beach to catch a glimpse of the sunset..

so we took a coastal road.. or we thought we did...

Haha we got ourselves lost.. but it was nice looking at these houses in Hawaii, got me started thinking, maybe I should move here too hehe, but oh wells we were soon back on track and on to the beach!!


Had to whip out and change into my Hawaii Tee and put that fake foam flower in my hair for the pics haha but it was absolutely breath-taking!! The water was crystal clear.. the sand was soo fine.. and it was CLEAN!

(or it looked clean, unlike LA)

And soon the sun was setting and it was time to start heading back to the hotel

I didn't have as much time as planned on Hawaii.. my grand mother passed away and I had to come back in time for her funeral.. so that's what I did.. I came back early from my trip.. I only had another day on Hawaii.. so.. I spent most of it at Zippy's (Egg Whites ;) ).. Walmart... Outlets.. Walmarts..
Haha I think Walmart is the best place on earth :) I could go there everyday and that's where they have the cheapest macadamia nuts.. (I lata found out that Steph has a friend who OWNS a Macdamia nut farm and I can have as many as I want... )
But I had a great time on Hawaii and I'll never forget the people and the hospitatility they have showed me.. I love it and I would definitely go back again one day.. and do it all over again..
- some pics stolen from Jeff's Myspace :P
Left for Hawaii on April 14th totally pscyhed.. first time going to Hawaii and I've never been a Sun, Sand and Sea kinda girl so I was wondering how was that going to turn out :p
Anyhoo, on my way to Hawaii.. I had a stop over in Narita airport.. Northwest (Hate it.. flew it only because it was the cheapest and probably the shortest (ironically) transit time)
Oh and at Narita Airport I saw this cutest thing.. a Robotic Seal.. later I found out that this was some kinda award winning thing at comdex to accompany kids and old peepz to fill them up emotionally and physically?? I don't know I thot it was just cute hehe
But then again everything in Narita is cute, and this was JUST THE FREAKING airport for crying out loud in 1 hr I spent like a hundred bucks on useless cute shyt! I guess my best buy had to be this cute lip gloss thingy from bourjois for the mobile phone
AND Why don't we have such cute stuff in Singapore??
Anyways back on the plane for another 7 hours.. total trip from SIN to HNL... 21 hours.. I reek!! but Finally on the plane... a glimpse of Paradise.
Mikey came to pick me up from the airport, we went for brekkies at the Ala Moana mall (soon I found out that EVERYTHING is at Ala Moana Mall) and lata dropped me of a the Hilton Hawaiian Village..
The Hotel was Nice, it was like this entire village (duh) and we even had our own flamingos
The room was overlooking the Hilton Lagoon which very much looked like some kind of mud pool since it was under construction
Although it sorta got overshadowed by the beautiful rainbow.. but there was a rainbow in Hawaii nearly every other day because of the weather.
The very next day after landing in Hawaii.. I went out shopping =) went to the umm "market" i forgot which market it was but it was probably like the central market where all they sell is touristy stuff and make a shit load of money off of dumb tourist like me.. but who cares.. i'm on Holiday :P and I need souvenirs that I'll probably never use and put on my table to collect dust!
And this was the street where the Market was on.. I guess this was like the Rodeo Drive of Honolulu cuz all the big labels were on this road.. and I walked into coach to do a little price check before I ran to the outlet *wink*
After buying like a buncha souvenirs... it was still a tad early and we thought we might hit the beach to catch a glimpse of the sunset..
so we took a coastal road.. or we thought we did...
Haha we got ourselves lost.. but it was nice looking at these houses in Hawaii, got me started thinking, maybe I should move here too hehe, but oh wells we were soon back on track and on to the beach!!
Had to whip out and change into my Hawaii Tee and put that fake foam flower in my hair for the pics haha but it was absolutely breath-taking!! The water was crystal clear.. the sand was soo fine.. and it was CLEAN!
(or it looked clean, unlike LA)
And soon the sun was setting and it was time to start heading back to the hotel
I didn't have as much time as planned on Hawaii.. my grand mother passed away and I had to come back in time for her funeral.. so that's what I did.. I came back early from my trip.. I only had another day on Hawaii.. so.. I spent most of it at Zippy's (Egg Whites ;) ).. Walmart... Outlets.. Walmarts..
Haha I think Walmart is the best place on earth :) I could go there everyday and that's where they have the cheapest macadamia nuts.. (I lata found out that Steph has a friend who OWNS a Macdamia nut farm and I can have as many as I want... )
But I had a great time on Hawaii and I'll never forget the people and the hospitatility they have showed me.. I love it and I would definitely go back again one day.. and do it all over again..
- some pics stolen from Jeff's Myspace :P
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Thailand in April
So today I'm stuck at home finally been a long time since I've been just home doing nothing... cuz this time I'm stuck with food poisoning.. (If I ever want to 1) lose weight, 2) take a day of from work, I know where to go to get SICK)... I've been puking and having the runs for the past 3 days.. I'm getting better now.. haven't puked in the past 12 hours so its good, although I still feel nausea.. and a throbbing headache everything is SWELL =)
Anyhoos so what's been Miss Notti Up too for the entire month of April.. lotsa travelling and hanging out with friends... first stop wonderful Thailand
Well Thailand I was there on business... I was there only like 2 nights.. it was really funny cuz my boss made the arrangements for the flights so when we were checking in our planes she asked us if we would like our boarding passes for the next day.. we were like huh??WhaT?!? yea apparently the travel agent booked the wrong dates.. we left on April 9th at like 6pm and would arrive in bangkok at probably 10.. and our return date was set at April 10th at 7am in the morning? lol I mean who the hell would go to bangkok for less than 12 hours? What am I going there for just to spend the night?? helloOooOO anyhoo.. haha we had to fix it when we got to bangkok..
So we stayed at the Grand Hyatt Hotel..

my room was sooooooo nice I wana stay there forever :P haha but the first thing when I got there I hit the gym.. and I MUST say they have the BEST gym ever!! :P alrite call me a country bumpkin fresh of the boat.. but ALL the equipment there had LCD TV screens WITH CABLE.. omg! I could exercise forever!! Oh did I add that there was this trainer there that was the cutest thing? Haha he gave me 1 on 1 lessons later (NOT THAT KIND U DIRTY MINDED FOOL!!) he taught me how to train my abs... and made me do the big ball thing.. UGH painful..
Went to bed feeling hella healthy :P but I HAD to order room service.. so I ordered some Spicy Prawn Glass Noodles with some stir fried garlic mushyrooms... OMG they were soooo good :P but THANK Goodness I didn't finish all of it so my damn workout didn't go to waste

Next day was just a whole day of training / meetings at our partner's place.. had my Yummy Thai Ice Tea... after that it was fun fun fun!! Me, my boss, and her friend went to "Bed" together... HAHA I know sounds awkward.. but the place is REALLY called BED :P ok its called Bed Supper Club Its a totally cool place where you have dinner/supper on this really Big Beds!

Oh and they had this magician.. that came around doing tricks at all the tables entertaining us.. we managed to Foil one of his little tricks =) When you meet me ask me to show you *wink* ...in bed.. lol

After BED.. I didn't want to go back to the hotel that early.. I wanted to do a little shopping before I had to head back in the morning.. so being the crazy mee.. I headed out to Lampini Night Market.. Alone.. haha.. yea.. (I texted my friend to call my parents if I don't msg him in 2 hours that I'm back in the hotel) So I was happily shopping buying lights... bags... T-shirts... candles... you know all the useless stuff you don't really need but just want to spend tourist money.... THIS GUY... comes up to me and asks me if he could buy me a drink, I politely refused.. He comes up to me 3 mins lata asking again.. and I said really no thanks... "its just over there.. come on have a drink with me".. "NO really, I don't drink, Thanks for the offer"
Anyways he must have asked me I don't know how many times and at the corner of my eye i could see him following me.. I got so freaked, I jumped into a cab.. told the cab driver to just go to the hotel.. I didn't care how much I was paying.. and I kept looking behind.. FREAKED OUT!! I texted my friend and he called me back and so he was on the phone with me until I got back to the hotel! EwkS!! S-C-A-R-Y! but oh wells I'll go to the night market alone again anyways :P HAHAHA I love shopping for useless shyt too much :P

Next morning.. the damn hotel alarm clock didn't wake me up and I had to leave the hotel at like 5:45am to catch my flight at 7am.. I woke up at 5:35am..hahaa but SUPER NOTTI... changed packed everything (i even brushed my teeth) and Yes I did meet my boss downstairs in the lobby at 5:45am muahahaha (uber /flex) and thats the end of Thailand.
Anyhoos so what's been Miss Notti Up too for the entire month of April.. lotsa travelling and hanging out with friends... first stop wonderful Thailand
Well Thailand I was there on business... I was there only like 2 nights.. it was really funny cuz my boss made the arrangements for the flights so when we were checking in our planes she asked us if we would like our boarding passes for the next day.. we were like huh??WhaT?!? yea apparently the travel agent booked the wrong dates.. we left on April 9th at like 6pm and would arrive in bangkok at probably 10.. and our return date was set at April 10th at 7am in the morning? lol I mean who the hell would go to bangkok for less than 12 hours? What am I going there for just to spend the night?? helloOooOO anyhoo.. haha we had to fix it when we got to bangkok..
So we stayed at the Grand Hyatt Hotel..
my room was sooooooo nice I wana stay there forever :P haha but the first thing when I got there I hit the gym.. and I MUST say they have the BEST gym ever!! :P alrite call me a country bumpkin fresh of the boat.. but ALL the equipment there had LCD TV screens WITH CABLE.. omg! I could exercise forever!! Oh did I add that there was this trainer there that was the cutest thing? Haha he gave me 1 on 1 lessons later (NOT THAT KIND U DIRTY MINDED FOOL!!) he taught me how to train my abs... and made me do the big ball thing.. UGH painful..
Went to bed feeling hella healthy :P but I HAD to order room service.. so I ordered some Spicy Prawn Glass Noodles with some stir fried garlic mushyrooms... OMG they were soooo good :P but THANK Goodness I didn't finish all of it so my damn workout didn't go to waste
Next day was just a whole day of training / meetings at our partner's place.. had my Yummy Thai Ice Tea... after that it was fun fun fun!! Me, my boss, and her friend went to "Bed" together... HAHA I know sounds awkward.. but the place is REALLY called BED :P ok its called Bed Supper Club Its a totally cool place where you have dinner/supper on this really Big Beds!
Oh and they had this magician.. that came around doing tricks at all the tables entertaining us.. we managed to Foil one of his little tricks =) When you meet me ask me to show you *wink* ...in bed.. lol
After BED.. I didn't want to go back to the hotel that early.. I wanted to do a little shopping before I had to head back in the morning.. so being the crazy mee.. I headed out to Lampini Night Market.. Alone.. haha.. yea.. (I texted my friend to call my parents if I don't msg him in 2 hours that I'm back in the hotel) So I was happily shopping buying lights... bags... T-shirts... candles... you know all the useless stuff you don't really need but just want to spend tourist money.... THIS GUY... comes up to me and asks me if he could buy me a drink, I politely refused.. He comes up to me 3 mins lata asking again.. and I said really no thanks... "its just over there.. come on have a drink with me".. "NO really, I don't drink, Thanks for the offer"
Anyways he must have asked me I don't know how many times and at the corner of my eye i could see him following me.. I got so freaked, I jumped into a cab.. told the cab driver to just go to the hotel.. I didn't care how much I was paying.. and I kept looking behind.. FREAKED OUT!! I texted my friend and he called me back and so he was on the phone with me until I got back to the hotel! EwkS!! S-C-A-R-Y! but oh wells I'll go to the night market alone again anyways :P HAHAHA I love shopping for useless shyt too much :P
Next morning.. the damn hotel alarm clock didn't wake me up and I had to leave the hotel at like 5:45am to catch my flight at 7am.. I woke up at 5:35am..hahaa but SUPER NOTTI... changed packed everything (i even brushed my teeth) and Yes I did meet my boss downstairs in the lobby at 5:45am muahahaha (uber /flex) and thats the end of Thailand.
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Alrite... so... this is crazy... People that I know that has a Digi Cam all need to use theirs this crazy period..
I'll be going away well today.. to bangkok.... coming back Wednesday...
then leaving again on Saturday the 14th to Hawaii... coming back on the 22nd... then on the 26th I have my Disney Voluntears thing.... and lata flying again on the 27th to the Philippines for Ron's Wedding..... coming back on the 1st of May....
then... going to macau again on the 13-16th..
:S and no Digi Cam... grr....
Vent Vent Vent...
I might have to get one myself... well finally... but I really can't justify it sometimes...
Oh wells...
Looking at a couple of Sonys... especially the N2, wish it came in Black or Pink though... but the W80 and the W55 come in Black and Pink... but at a lower mega pixel.... well.. anything except the T series I hate that series!
we'll see still debating... I really need one.. but gotta go search whether I have the $$ for it :S
I'll be going away well today.. to bangkok.... coming back Wednesday...
then leaving again on Saturday the 14th to Hawaii... coming back on the 22nd... then on the 26th I have my Disney Voluntears thing.... and lata flying again on the 27th to the Philippines for Ron's Wedding..... coming back on the 1st of May....
then... going to macau again on the 13-16th..
:S and no Digi Cam... grr....
Vent Vent Vent...
I might have to get one myself... well finally... but I really can't justify it sometimes...
Oh wells...
Looking at a couple of Sonys... especially the N2, wish it came in Black or Pink though... but the W80 and the W55 come in Black and Pink... but at a lower mega pixel.... well.. anything except the T series I hate that series!
we'll see still debating... I really need one.. but gotta go search whether I have the $$ for it :S
Monday, March 12, 2007
A lil' too much
So I've been on this sudden rampage of going out... and I refuse to stay at home and sitting in frontta the computer eating cheetos and getting fat.. hehe and since the vision is going to Hawaii in April... the more i have to lose my damn fat!!! so its been gym gym and no sitting down!!! although when I go out I think I tend to eat more :P
Here are some pics from my rampage, I believe it all started out with my ex-boss's going party at Cafe-Iguana... and my craving for BURRITO!!!

Grilled Chicken Burrito con Chile Verde....... well it doesn't really look like Chile Verde.. hehe but it some wat taste like it... HEY Beggers can't be choosy... of course i can't compare this to damn Alberto's.... ARGHHHH haha but it's MEXICAN FOOD... so watever!!

Happy People filled with Happy Food.. =) yummmm...
After the going away party.......... I had a "welcome back to singapore" party.. CHENG is back in town!!!! yea!!!! =)
Anyways he picked me up back from work.. and we went to this... umm place out in he boondocks where nobody in the world would have known or heard about this place :P

Look at it!!! it looks soo broken down... absolutely in the middle of no where... and right next to an old air base where we can see private planes take off...
But the place has some pretty damn good buffalo wings... It has spice levels from 1-10 and the Chef's challenge where I think it becomes more like buffalo peppers... >.< coated with MORE peppers... hahaha insane... I had the level 3.. and it was manageable... a good amt of spice... and my tongue didn't go "Mi-sa jajabinks"
After Dinner we went to the new Tampines Ikea for a walk.... its Huge-nor-mous... its probably the BIGGEST ikea that I've ever seen... ITS MASSSIVE!!

Anyways here's darren looking like he came out from some Gundam comic... lol
Hmmm... well I think these few weeks went by sooo fast that I don't even really remember what happened... All I know is I haven't been home much haha and I found a new place... well I didn't find it but Steph keeps going there its hard not for me not to goo.. its a pretty place.. but just nobody does any dancing there they just sit and stare at all the beautiful people

Cafe Del Mar..
Its both pretty in the day and at night... most of the time people just go there to people watch... look at each other Seksi bodies.... haha I've onni been into the water once.. and it was at night... hehe.. nothing to see here move along people..!!
Its on the sand... and its open 24 hrs on friday and saturday till sunday... for sun tanners and night partiers... so its nice.. but not for me since I'm not a sand sun person... ewks...
St James is more my place... MOVIDA... I think I've never been so into a place before I love the music there!!! they play latin music.. to bhangra... to hiphop haha >.< yea my kinda music... and yea u sorta always meet someone u know there and meet new peepz...

Chris at Bellini's
Oh yea.. and OF COURSE I went to Balaclava... I hate that place... its all these bald middle aged men... in their mid life crisis trying to pick up SQ girls... oh bother.. don't know why but Steph likes it there so here's me and Steph again... at Bala again...

Hehehe my fat face hehehe
I'd probably get screamed at if he knew I posted this... but whatevers... he said he doesn't do this Loser Blogging myspace shyt.. so yea chances of him seeing this HAHA watevers

Raph's Cleavage... haha it was a "tit for tat" kinda camera thing going on...

Proud owner of those 46Bs.... HAHAHA
Soooooooooo After all that partying.. and going out... I fall sick... :P
My Doc is uber.. she told me and I quote "the reason you're sick is probably because you went out too much last week and didn't eat and drink enough water"
thats why I'm home sick... and writing this blog.... a lil' too much... :P NOTTI ME!
Here are some pics from my rampage, I believe it all started out with my ex-boss's going party at Cafe-Iguana... and my craving for BURRITO!!!
Grilled Chicken Burrito con Chile Verde....... well it doesn't really look like Chile Verde.. hehe but it some wat taste like it... HEY Beggers can't be choosy... of course i can't compare this to damn Alberto's.... ARGHHHH haha but it's MEXICAN FOOD... so watever!!
Happy People filled with Happy Food.. =) yummmm...
After the going away party.......... I had a "welcome back to singapore" party.. CHENG is back in town!!!! yea!!!! =)
Anyways he picked me up back from work.. and we went to this... umm place out in he boondocks where nobody in the world would have known or heard about this place :P
Look at it!!! it looks soo broken down... absolutely in the middle of no where... and right next to an old air base where we can see private planes take off...
But the place has some pretty damn good buffalo wings... It has spice levels from 1-10 and the Chef's challenge where I think it becomes more like buffalo peppers... >.< coated with MORE peppers... hahaha insane... I had the level 3.. and it was manageable... a good amt of spice... and my tongue didn't go "Mi-sa jajabinks"
After Dinner we went to the new Tampines Ikea for a walk.... its Huge-nor-mous... its probably the BIGGEST ikea that I've ever seen... ITS MASSSIVE!!
Anyways here's darren looking like he came out from some Gundam comic... lol
Hmmm... well I think these few weeks went by sooo fast that I don't even really remember what happened... All I know is I haven't been home much haha and I found a new place... well I didn't find it but Steph keeps going there its hard not for me not to goo.. its a pretty place.. but just nobody does any dancing there they just sit and stare at all the beautiful people
Cafe Del Mar..
Its both pretty in the day and at night... most of the time people just go there to people watch... look at each other Seksi bodies.... haha I've onni been into the water once.. and it was at night... hehe.. nothing to see here move along people..!!
Its on the sand... and its open 24 hrs on friday and saturday till sunday... for sun tanners and night partiers... so its nice.. but not for me since I'm not a sand sun person... ewks...
St James is more my place... MOVIDA... I think I've never been so into a place before I love the music there!!! they play latin music.. to bhangra... to hiphop haha >.< yea my kinda music... and yea u sorta always meet someone u know there and meet new peepz...
Chris at Bellini's
Oh yea.. and OF COURSE I went to Balaclava... I hate that place... its all these bald middle aged men... in their mid life crisis trying to pick up SQ girls... oh bother.. don't know why but Steph likes it there so here's me and Steph again... at Bala again...
Hehehe my fat face hehehe
I'd probably get screamed at if he knew I posted this... but whatevers... he said he doesn't do this Loser Blogging myspace shyt.. so yea chances of him seeing this HAHA watevers
Raph's Cleavage... haha it was a "tit for tat" kinda camera thing going on...
Proud owner of those 46Bs.... HAHAHA
Soooooooooo After all that partying.. and going out... I fall sick... :P
My Doc is uber.. she told me and I quote "the reason you're sick is probably because you went out too much last week and didn't eat and drink enough water"
thats why I'm home sick... and writing this blog.... a lil' too much... :P NOTTI ME!
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
When I was in LA, I believe it was deut that showed me this short film of teenage gangsters in Singapore.. it was around 20 mins long...
Today, Boon asked me about independant films and if I liked it, and he showed me the short film "Cut" by Roystan Tan... basically mocking the Singapore Censorship Board for "Cutting" 27 scenes from his MOVIE 15.
Yes... The Movie, I never knew it was made into a movie. I liked the short film, because it really showed how gangsters were in Singapore, so I decided to watch The Movie..
After sitting through 1:30 mins of this.. I found the movie... boring.. BUT very true.. although I think he did leave out the karaoke portion.. >.< ... Ah-Bengs (the local term for them) who acted in the movie are real life Ah Bengs... According to some reviews I've read.. some of them have gone to jail after the movie hence no Part 2..
Some snippets in this movie did bring back memories of my past.. like the self mutilation and body piercing... Yea.. I remember me and some of my girl friends using a cutter and making little slashes in our skin juz cuz.. and my piercing phase... where I had to pierce like 7 ear holes on one ear... (I don't think this phase is over since I still wana go pierce my navel)
I remember having a "brother" that had this huge "Guan Gong" tattooed on his back, (thats the God that most triads pray to as it symbolizes honor, loyalty, integrity, justice, courage, and strength) and his tattoo was itching... so he needed someone to help him put lotion and scratch his back lmao =)

Yea and his place was this apt where u'd walk in and there were like ten over 1/2 naked guys walking around high on something or juz smoking cigz (back that the trend was to sniff glue) with enough tattoos to compete with GNR... They had a big screen TV with an LD player that was constantly playing this MTV / Karaoke haha it was my fav song back than too.. only available on a Marlboro Red Hot Hits Summer Party CD lol
Anyways heres 15: The Movie if you wana watch it =D
Rated R: (Male Genitals, Nauseating Scene of swalling a Drug Filled Condom, offensive language in English, Hokkien, Mandarin, Malay, Tamil.. blah blah)
Movie is primarily in Mandarin and Hokkien (no subtitles)
Today, Boon asked me about independant films and if I liked it, and he showed me the short film "Cut" by Roystan Tan... basically mocking the Singapore Censorship Board for "Cutting" 27 scenes from his MOVIE 15.
Yes... The Movie, I never knew it was made into a movie. I liked the short film, because it really showed how gangsters were in Singapore, so I decided to watch The Movie..
After sitting through 1:30 mins of this.. I found the movie... boring.. BUT very true.. although I think he did leave out the karaoke portion.. >.< ... Ah-Bengs (the local term for them) who acted in the movie are real life Ah Bengs... According to some reviews I've read.. some of them have gone to jail after the movie hence no Part 2..
Some snippets in this movie did bring back memories of my past.. like the self mutilation and body piercing... Yea.. I remember me and some of my girl friends using a cutter and making little slashes in our skin juz cuz.. and my piercing phase... where I had to pierce like 7 ear holes on one ear... (I don't think this phase is over since I still wana go pierce my navel)
I remember having a "brother" that had this huge "Guan Gong" tattooed on his back, (thats the God that most triads pray to as it symbolizes honor, loyalty, integrity, justice, courage, and strength) and his tattoo was itching... so he needed someone to help him put lotion and scratch his back lmao =)
Yea and his place was this apt where u'd walk in and there were like ten over 1/2 naked guys walking around high on something or juz smoking cigz (back that the trend was to sniff glue) with enough tattoos to compete with GNR... They had a big screen TV with an LD player that was constantly playing this MTV / Karaoke haha it was my fav song back than too.. only available on a Marlboro Red Hot Hits Summer Party CD lol
Anyways heres 15: The Movie if you wana watch it =D
Rated R: (Male Genitals, Nauseating Scene of swalling a Drug Filled Condom, offensive language in English, Hokkien, Mandarin, Malay, Tamil.. blah blah)
Movie is primarily in Mandarin and Hokkien (no subtitles)
Monday, February 19, 2007
Colorful Chinese New Year
Hey Everyone..
So its the Chinese New Year, and I've been hella busy.. Friday and Saturday has been non-stop cleaning of the house from the ceiling to the floor... yea chinese people do that to get rid of all the Bad Luck and evil spirits that lurk in the house lol
But I still managed to squeeze in the yearly trip to Chinatown still =D
Here are the pics

Here's a pic of Singapore's most famous BBQ Pork... BEE CHENG HIANG

I just thot these lanterns were really pretty ontoppa this shop... very oriental... the shop was selling Singapore Souvenirs that were probably made in china, 3 for TEN DOLLAAAAAA :P

These are miniature puppets of the real thing... its the lion that they use for Lion Dance

One of my favorite fruits in the world... Pomelos... peepz eat this during the new year, because of it heavy looking weight... its a symbol of ambudance

These tiny little shoes are the cutest thing!!!! I think if I was back in the Tang Dynasty or something where women bound their feet I could have probably fit my fat foot in the largest one they have there SOooo Cutee!!!

Street Scene... All the Icky Sweaty People having bodily contact with each other .... Ewwwww (yea I took a shower with antiseptic when I got home)

THIS is the reason WHY I get fat during the Chinese New Year... All the damn goodies.. imagine..I probably visit like 20 homes during Chinese New Year and all you do is go around snacking on these damn goodies!! its like a freaking FAT drug!

I thought this was pretty cool... I especially liked the one where it says TEO FAMILY.. hehee thats my family haha wat a coincidence and if I remember correctly these plates aren't too expensive :)

Another Street Scene... I was touched by at least a hundred strangers that nite... (I feel violated)...

The God of Prosperity A.K.A. 财神 in chinese

Pweetty Flowers... Especially the Pink ones..... hehehehe

Pweetty Leaves... hahahah :P

A street stall selling all sorts of Chinese New Year Deco =D
So its the Chinese New Year, and I've been hella busy.. Friday and Saturday has been non-stop cleaning of the house from the ceiling to the floor... yea chinese people do that to get rid of all the Bad Luck and evil spirits that lurk in the house lol
But I still managed to squeeze in the yearly trip to Chinatown still =D
Here are the pics
Here's a pic of Singapore's most famous BBQ Pork... BEE CHENG HIANG
I just thot these lanterns were really pretty ontoppa this shop... very oriental... the shop was selling Singapore Souvenirs that were probably made in china, 3 for TEN DOLLAAAAAA :P
These are miniature puppets of the real thing... its the lion that they use for Lion Dance
One of my favorite fruits in the world... Pomelos... peepz eat this during the new year, because of it heavy looking weight... its a symbol of ambudance
These tiny little shoes are the cutest thing!!!! I think if I was back in the Tang Dynasty or something where women bound their feet I could have probably fit my fat foot in the largest one they have there SOooo Cutee!!!
Street Scene... All the Icky Sweaty People having bodily contact with each other .... Ewwwww (yea I took a shower with antiseptic when I got home)
THIS is the reason WHY I get fat during the Chinese New Year... All the damn goodies.. imagine..I probably visit like 20 homes during Chinese New Year and all you do is go around snacking on these damn goodies!! its like a freaking FAT drug!
I thought this was pretty cool... I especially liked the one where it says TEO FAMILY.. hehee thats my family haha wat a coincidence and if I remember correctly these plates aren't too expensive :)
Another Street Scene... I was touched by at least a hundred strangers that nite... (I feel violated)...
The God of Prosperity A.K.A. 财神 in chinese
Pweetty Flowers... Especially the Pink ones..... hehehehe
Pweetty Leaves... hahahah :P
A street stall selling all sorts of Chinese New Year Deco =D
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