Left for Hawaii on April 14th totally pscyhed.. first time going to Hawaii and I've never been a Sun, Sand and Sea kinda girl so I was wondering how was that going to turn out :p
Anyhoo, on my way to Hawaii.. I had a stop over in Narita airport.. Northwest (Hate it.. flew it only because it was the cheapest and probably the shortest (ironically) transit time)
Oh and at Narita Airport I saw this cutest thing.. a Robotic Seal.. later I found out that this was some kinda award winning thing at comdex to accompany kids and old peepz to fill them up emotionally and physically?? I don't know I thot it was just cute hehe
But then again everything in Narita is cute, and this was JUST THE FREAKING airport for crying out loud in 1 hr I spent like a hundred bucks on useless cute shyt! I guess my best buy had to be this cute lip gloss thingy from bourjois for the mobile phone
AND Why don't we have such cute stuff in Singapore??
Anyways back on the plane for another 7 hours.. total trip from SIN to HNL... 21 hours.. I reek!! but Finally on the plane... a glimpse of Paradise.
Mikey came to pick me up from the airport, we went for brekkies at the Ala Moana mall (soon I found out that EVERYTHING is at Ala Moana Mall) and lata dropped me of a the Hilton Hawaiian Village..
The Hotel was Nice, it was like this entire village (duh) and we even had our own flamingos
The room was overlooking the Hilton Lagoon which very much looked like some kind of mud pool since it was under construction
Although it sorta got overshadowed by the beautiful rainbow.. but there was a rainbow in Hawaii nearly every other day because of the weather.
The very next day after landing in Hawaii.. I went out shopping =) went to the umm "market" i forgot which market it was but it was probably like the central market where all they sell is touristy stuff and make a shit load of money off of dumb tourist like me.. but who cares.. i'm on Holiday :P and I need souvenirs that I'll probably never use and put on my table to collect dust!
And this was the street where the Market was on.. I guess this was like the Rodeo Drive of Honolulu cuz all the big labels were on this road.. and I walked into coach to do a little price check before I ran to the outlet *wink*
After buying like a buncha souvenirs... it was still a tad early and we thought we might hit the beach to catch a glimpse of the sunset..
so we took a coastal road.. or we thought we did...
Haha we got ourselves lost.. but it was nice looking at these houses in Hawaii, got me started thinking, maybe I should move here too hehe, but oh wells we were soon back on track and on to the beach!!
Had to whip out and change into my Hawaii Tee and put that fake foam flower in my hair for the pics haha but it was absolutely breath-taking!! The water was crystal clear.. the sand was soo fine.. and it was CLEAN!
(or it looked clean, unlike LA)
And soon the sun was setting and it was time to start heading back to the hotel
I didn't have as much time as planned on Hawaii.. my grand mother passed away and I had to come back in time for her funeral.. so that's what I did.. I came back early from my trip.. I only had another day on Hawaii.. so.. I spent most of it at Zippy's (Egg Whites ;) ).. Walmart... Outlets.. Walmarts..
Haha I think Walmart is the best place on earth :) I could go there everyday and that's where they have the cheapest macadamia nuts.. (I lata found out that Steph has a friend who OWNS a Macdamia nut farm and I can have as many as I want... )
But I had a great time on Hawaii and I'll never forget the people and the hospitatility they have showed me.. I love it and I would definitely go back again one day.. and do it all over again..
- some pics stolen from Jeff's Myspace :P