Digged out photos from every nook and every cranny and at the back of my closets.. (dead bugs were found and squirms were heard) Anyways i got it done..
My 26 years of life all captured into a 12 min long clip.. I wish I had video files... I'd think it'd be cool but the camera adds like 300lbs to my cheeks... BOTH cheeks so i'm passing on that lol, and I don't think very interesting videos anyways.. or hmm nobody takes videos of me... i'm not gonna start walking around pointing a video camera at myself and start taking vids.. or maybe i should.. since I'm sucha cam whore... lol
Anyways.. here's what I came up with...
YES thats me in the baby pink glasses! :P I didn't take alotta pictures during that phase of my life cuz I hated the glasses...
But here's a 411 lol something quik
At 3: I was crazy about Starwars everything in my room was Jedi.. Had the curtains, bed sheets toys.. light sabre... R2D2 Cake for my birthday the works
At 4: Things I remeber around me were hmmm Strawberry shortcake, carebears, smurfs, my little pony, mask, HE-man (I had the castle of grayskull), transformer, rainbow brite
At 5: My favorite toy was a worn out ET plush.. which i wanted to bring to this childrens TV show that was in Singapore at that time called "Romper Room" its juz like sesame street... kids were asked to bring their favorite toy and I wanted to bring mine.. my parents didn't let me cuz they thought ET was too old and tattered and was embaressing so they made me bring a damn chuckie cheese sock puppet instead... I will never forget that day... my 15 mins of fame...I was the sulkiest kid on TV ever..
At 6: I pulled a girl's chair away when she was sitting down.. she fell on her butt and cried.. I was made to stand outside of the class for the rest of the day...
Btw: He-man started making out with barbie somewhere around this time too..
At 7: Started Primary School where we learnt how to brush our teeths.. recess was where all the kids would squat at a drain with a tooth brush and tumbler and the school would play the teethbrushing casette every day.
The Miss Universe Pageant was held in Singapore too.. wanted to be one of those kids that go on stage and give flowers to the contestants during the evening gown section.. where they all sing "you are my star..." blah blah got rejected cuz i was TOO TALL... never watched Miss Universe again..
At 8: Joined the "Chinese Dance Troupe" because that was the only way I could have LONG HAIR at school.. everybody else had to have the above-the-eye-brow and ear length hair.
At 9: Got Stripped of my Prefect Badge because I was late for assembly
At 10: Five-stones, Pepsi-cola 1,2,3, and those stupid Star Cards the Shiny ones where you put 20cents in and turn the knob. But my favorite had to be ERASER!!!! yea I carried my box of eraser flags proudly.
Ji Goo Paa Champion...
At 11: Someone stole my sticker album... boys in my class found that idiot and we approached that slimy wimp... and asked him to pay me back what he destroyed...he went to the discipline mistress... I got accused of extortion and gangstarism...
At 12: Zero-point!! oh and CHEN JUN MING.. crazy crush on this basketball player at skool did I add i was in the Choir too?
At 13: Joined a gangsta skool...
At 14: Discovered the wonders of CONTACT LENSES (THANK YOU LORD)
At 15: Started secretly smoking
At 16: Quit smoking
Here's a pic at the Sony Metreon back in 2002 at the store of my favorite kid's book... "Where the Wild Things Are" =)