Its called "Devil Beside You" They have all 20 episodes on google video... so watch it before someone pulls it down :P Free soap why not?!?
Here's episode ONE if your dare start....
Devil Beside You - Episode One
Here are some of my Favorite Scenes or probably stuff that I miss in a relationship *sigh*
When they wear a "glove" specially made to hold hands :P heh... I used to use a scarf to wrap 'our' hands together.. :P hehee I thot this was really cute.
I miss this... I like it when the guy sleeps on the girls lap.. its like animal grooming and the girl picks the ticks outta his hair and eats them LMAO
OoOOo and I definitely like this the waking Up together... :) after a nite of notti sex lol
Yea and everytime he stares like this I go like "OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG he's soooo MANNNN"
Oh well but juz like every other stupid drama... there's alotta tears... alotta of unnecessary running here and there that I don't really understand why they are runnin or like HUH? oh yea and the kissing scene sucks... haha its like they try to make every kiss look like its "their first kiss" gross OH and especially u know how like in movies they like to slow-mo for the kissing part.. but they put the video feed on slow-mo.. imagine this.. its the ACTORS themselves going slow-mo.. yea its RETARDED imagine like kissing in Real Life.. and u SLOW-MO yourself to kiss? HElloOoOOOOOO ok sorry juz I couldn't stand all the kissing.. yea you can check with my brudder and sister, my siblings knew when there was a kissing scene because I would be screaming in D-I-S-G-U-S-T!
but yea I also hate watching these kinda of lub lub dub dub drama serials.. its like it will never happen the guy is this MANLY guy.. but is always has a soft spot for the girl and like she's the apple of his eye and will drop everything in an instant and run to her need even if she needed juz a bottle opener... DUH.. I can't even pull a guy away from a car or game let alone ask him to drop anything for me BLAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
and the girl OMG... who's like that? so demure.. so pure... so cute... so UGH disgustingly perfect!!!!!!
Makes us wish for something like "Hey how come he never did that for me?" and you know the answer is "ITS JUZ TV NOTHING IS REAL" but if someone could write it.. someone could think of it.. why can't it be?
Every girl wants to be a princess.. to live princess dreams and to be someone's princess.. baby... to be loved...
Anyways.. funny pics of me playing dress-up deciding on what I wana be for halloween.. started as alotta things but I think I like being a princess =) a dead chicken princess.. :P
Playing: One of the Theme Songs.. Rainie Yang - Ai Mei
In English the song is called Ambiguity.. "knowing we're more than friends, but we're not a couple" "When should I go forward, When should I give up?" "Are you still the same you?"