Imma back track alot.. cuz this week was just insane.. I have like about 15 mins to blog a bit before I have to change and run off to an Island called Sentosa for the Nokia Summit.. but things that happen earlier this week
Steph got her own exhibition booth at this place show casing eco-products, gave her bags lotsa exposure and I'm glad that she's doing good and got a buncha contacts for her business =)
So that night the first night there was a networking cocktail event at the Marina Mandarin... Here are the pics =)
The Ballroom
This is Tacha, we met her at the exhibition and she's from Thailand...
The Bathroom at the Marina Mandarin.. I really like the brushed alloy flush thingy.. thats why I had to take a picture of this bowl :P
Fun with Mirrors :P
Steph all smart =)
Me all Slut :P
Current Crazy song.. this song was played at the Fashion Show during the night.. I think its funny juz cuz it says "No One Ugly Allowed" lol cracks me up
I'll try to post over the weekend if I'm not too burnt out.. :P