We stayed at the Ramada Renaissance (Sp.) and it was really nice!! Steph got the Club Suite for us.. where they served free flow of food and drinks on the club floor.. so of course I had to go pig out.. :P Steph caught me there
We got a cab to get to the restaurant where the wedding dinner was held... I must say that must be the second most horrible experience in a cab.. the cab was really old... and the seats were like old velvet.. personally i like velvet... but I can't stand old velvet.. its nasty has stains.. and who washes velvet anyways soo i didn't allow my skin to touch any of the velvet which was quite hard to do... since he was driving like and idiot.. the car was driving really slow... and he kept jerking for some reason.. well maybe he was talking NON-STOP on the fone!! which was really annoying!! he would put down one fone and then call with the other fone.. like HELLO are u a cab driver or a telemarketeer.. we took forever to get there and things didn't really help when steph's uncle who was all concern about us kept demanding to speak to the cab driver and the cab driver didn't wana speak to him it was a HORRIBLE situation and I was glad to be outta the cab cuz another minute more i would have puked... but the cab ride did start a horrible headache...
So we finally arrived at the restaurant.. lol never been to a wedding in malaysia before so it was quite interesting... there was loud singing going on... and I mean REALLY LOUD.. like louder than any club u've been in but this time instead of Justin Timberlake.. imagine the same but... +50 years... and singing in chinese....
Steph's cousin is the bride.. lol.. yea everybody was sorta staring at me... I guess I need a course in wedding crashing 101 so yea I was sticking out like a sore thumb.. hehe I could actually umm see the fingers and the whisperings that were going on trying to figure out who I am.. :P but yea lata I guess they figured I was they 5th uncle's daughter's friend... :P
I also met Stephanie's really cute nieces...
She refused to smile.. I guess it was juz my face she didn't like..
After the wedding one of Steph's cousin brought us to a club! lol its called Pure BarThe music there was REALLY good and me and Steph agreeed that that place was probably the best place ever!!
Although there weren't any cute guys... hahaah but that didn't dampen our spirits.. It was just a really nice atmosphere and they were juz playing the right music... best of it all NO COVER haha!
Clubs close at 2:30am .. this is what i found out.. and as usual.. after clubbing steph needs her food and rice... haha so her couz brought us to this place... in Kota Laksamana... All they served there was Assam Fish... and plain Rice with salted egg.. I don't know whether it was just me being hungry... but the food was SEDAP!!! (malay for delicious)
I know it looks nothing much... but yea I'm still amazed it was that good :P $5 ringgit each!! thats around $1.20 USD Cheap Cheap!
After supper we mooched Steph's cousin's friend CD from his car lol cuz the CD had some really good songs on it ahaha :P oh wells Its MINE now! Arhhh!
Next morning... *yawn* woke up sleepy head... oh btw i feel alseep sitting up in bed watching troy the nite before waiting for steph to get outta the shower hahahaa :P couldn't take it.. anyways woke up in bed and started watching this show called Saint Ange... it was some freaky scary movie about scary children... lol
I HATE SCARY MOVIES!!! I rarely ever watch scary movies.. but I just really like this one juz i love the building it was in.. haha so I was watching it with the blanket over my head half the time >.< but I didn't get to finish the movie.. so I have to go buy it or rent it from somewhere.. dammitz i wana know how it ends!
Oh wells we checked out... and left for Steph's Grandma place... we had some fun in the yard taking funny pics of each other hehehe
We left meleka After dinner at around 9pm.. and got back to Singapore at 11:15... :P
i bought lotsa pineapple tarts.. i'm soo gonna get fat on them >.<
this was the song that they were playing when I walked in the club.. my current fav song.. KARMA!