So I bought a couple of colored contact lenses in the hopes that I will find some cool function that I can wear it too.. but the occasion never arose... and my contacts are expiring... so what the heck... I'll just use them today..
Pretty cool!! and they are not uncomfortable at all previously i've tried other brands of colored contacts but they were all pretty uncomfortable and when ur eyeballs move too fast u get blurred vision... but these are really good and I love them... hahaa i'm highly considering of wearing them on and everyday basis now... but I think they'd be too freaky.. unless I was white and white peepz can have any colored eyes and still look normal.
Here's another pic of them lol I really like them.. and check out one of my other Christms present! (this is also one of my favorites and NOT SOAP lol) Its Alien doode.. other than boo (from monster's inc) Alien Doode is the coolest lol
Not seen in that picture is actually baby alien doode :P but now he replaces baby alien doode's spot... and baby got moved 2 ft away :P
Hi all, sorry its been so long since my next blog.. its been like what... 2 weeks? Soo sorry.. my #1 Fan lol (you know who you are, hahaha) Anyways.. I've been really busy at work... the launch of toontoon in South East Asia was keeping me crazy busy... and also I had to clear up and handover stuff before I left on vacation so here it is my Vacation to Hong Kong yea!! =D Finally got to Visit Hong Kong Disneyland too :)
I arrived on Saturday Night, Hong Kong has changed soo much since I last visited in 98... the out skirts of HK was just lighted up with huge and tall sky scrapers.. all very new and very nice! There were lotsa new bridges too! Here's a vid of the drive to the hotel...(lol yea I know the peninsula is upside down.. but I didn't think of making a video back then :P)
We stayed at The Hotel behind The Peninsula... lol I like to call it that... :P seems soo posh.. but its actually
Its a nice hotel.. service was REALLY good but just like all hotels on HK the rooms are tiny... but we had alotta fun terrorizing my parents cuz we had adjoining rooms so we were running to and fro. Oh and we got really lucky we got the rooms at the end of the hotel so we could peep through a little opening between The Peninsula and the Sheraton so we actually HAD A VIEW of the waterfront of HK island =) sweet! soo After checking in the hotel at nite we decided to do a little wondering around our area of Tsim Sha Tsui
Its been a long time since I last came to HK the skyline has definitely change.. but Nathan Road still looks exactly the way it is... neon lights, busy buses and cars, people everywhere.. but I don't remember HK during Christmas so it was a nice change to see Christmas lighting around there... however I think Singapore's Christmas lights are nicer :P
Sunday Morning DIMSUM!!!!! If you come to Hong Kong you HAVE to go for Dimsum.. its like you come ALL the way to Hong Kong and not have the thing that it is famous for? You might as well not go!
The food was delicious... BEYOND delicious... lol the best dimsum I've ever had! The Siew Mais and the Har Gows.. The Chicken Feet (lol someone told me they look like baby fingers :P watevers *BITE*) everything was GOOOD but I think the best was the Mango Pudding.. I've never seen anyone serve it like that... 2 Koi Fishies... and the total bill for 5 people filled to the brim? $250 HKD = $35 USD.. hellaaaa cheap (btw we went back there on tuesday morning lol and it was $170 HKD cuz of weekday)
After ALL that food we HAD to move... else we'd turn into lard tubs... The itenary for that day was HK island... so we took the MTR over to Central station and took a tram up to Victoria Peak
Victoria Peak changed ALOT! They now have this plaza at the top... that has a Madam Tussads, an EA Games store and also a Bubba Gump!! I was amazed!! It was like a shopping mall at the top of HK.. WoWzers! Victoria Peak is also where all the rich people build their million dollar houses..
Took the tram down and thought we might catch the open top double decker bus.. since we were tourist we wanted to do what the tourist doo...
We waited 45 mins for this stinking bus... lol
After the bus ride we took the MTR to Causeway Bay, well cause if you've watched all the Young and Dangerous movies (Ku Wak Chai) that's where all the action is supposed to be at lol so I had to go there... or umm where guys like Ekin Cheng (ok he sux in those sites but trust me he's DAMN cool in Ku Wak Chai and Legend of Speed) is supposed to hang out... *drool* lol
We ended the night going to Temple Street, a night market that runs from Yau Ma Tei to Jordan... selling all sorts of knick knacks, which also burnt a hole in my purse.. but oh wells I bought a the pair of FAKE Mickey Earrings you see at the top of the page there for $4 bux... can't complain >.< Oh and I also bought this pair of shoes which made me nearly wana rip the shop owner's head off...
Alritey.. no offense to the people in HK... but you guys should know that you have the one of the RUDEST shop owners in the entire world. Seriously I would never had tolerated this A-hole's Bullshyt if not for his shoes to be that cheap... and I liked them alot... -_- First I picked up a pair of shoes he said he didn't have the size... and I picked up another pair of shoes... and he said I don't have that in YOUR size either... your feet are "AMAZING" dammitz OK i have big feet.. BUT they aren't THATTTTTT big... Size 8... my mom has size 8 my sister has size 8 SO its probably NATURAL for me to be a size 8.. then lata.. So I finally found this pair on the rack that was my Size and I liked them... and I asked him if he had new ones... he's like "these are new" then I said ok.. then get me the other side.. he looked high he looked low... and he couldn't find the other side.. so i thought umm just gimme a new pair from the inside and I'll be on my way.. "Haiyah, if I had another, you think I'd waste my time looking for the shoe for you?" Grrrr then he continued mumbling other stuff that I was soo annoying that I had to pick that shoe, like WTH! Is it MY fault you can't find my shoe? While he was looking, I saw another pair that was pretty nice too.. about 3 and a half inches on a skinny stiletto.. I asked him if he had that in my size..."Are you sure you can walk in this shoes..." ARghhhhhhh ok I won't say anything else cuz if he said ONE more thing Imma rip his head off.. I tolerated ALL that crapola BECAUSE my shoes were only $10 bux.... -_- never again...
Monday Morning, we decided to head for Macau.. it's a 1 and a half hour ferry ride from Tsim Sha Tsui..
Macau was absolutely lovely... definitely different from how I remember it 20 years ago... everything has changed.. there are New Casinos like the "Wynn" which looks exactly like the one in Vegas... they have "The Sands" and they are building a Venetian there too... ohoh and an UNDERWATER casino.. i think that would be interesting.. I'd like to visit that one.. (but I don't gamble) hehee
Tuesday we had Dim Sum again.. same place lol everybody loves it hehehe and we went to Ladies Market... in MongKok.. this is another shopping paradise... clothes... shoes... bags... fakes... cute stuff... a woman's shopping heaven.. although i didn't buy anything there... but everyone else did... :P I was saving my money for DISNEYLAND!!!
hehehee Don't ask me how much I spent at Disneyland... cuz honestly I still don't have the guts to look at my Credit Card statement.. >.< All i know it was some MAJOR damage... the problem at staying at Disneyland hotel... you can send stuff back to your room when you buy stuff at Disneyland... so you don't know how much you've actually bought... *ouch* I think there wasn't a shop that I didn't buy anything from... Oh yea the Jewellery store, lol saw so much bling there that I was drooling over damage there.. but yea.. looking back now.. I really don't know what I bought lol... a buncha pens... chopsticks... rubber bandies... cellphone hangy thingies... keychains... a tank top..... earrings.... lalalala..... LOL but I think the best buy has to be my 2007 Schedule book.. every page has a disney character from a movie since 1968 to 1995.. I'm amazed at all the new / old characters that i've learnt :)
Ahh wells... Disneyland was the last stop for us.. and we headed home on Thursday...
This was the year I picked up the name "Nottigurl"
LoL So I was just googling nottigurl and see what I could find... found some interesting blast from the past stuff :P (all pics on this post are from the year 2003, chubby chubby!)
I used to have an account on it's just like a myspace.. but I think it was them that made the whole rating thing popular, hence the reason why i left findapix.... haha it was too depressing! I wasn't getting rated!! dammitz :P
But yea here's a little survey i found which i did for findapix this was probably done in 2003..
-----Start----- If you were any fruit, what would you be? I would be a lemon.. LOL j/k. I wana be a passionfruit, cuz I believe in living life with a passion! Even just the name of it sounds interesting enough, and passionfruits are yummy, have you had one before? ;o)
What is your pet-peeve? STYRAFOAM, omg omg STYRAFOAM, you know that high screeching sound of styrafoam? Yea thats what i HATE... with PASSION! Do that and I'll run, my hair will stand on its ends! I will totally cringe and freak out! Don't Ever Ever Ever do that to me NeVeR!
What qualities do you admire in a person? Independence: cuz I KNOW how hard it is (I'm living through it) especially supporting yourself in another country where family is on the other side of the globe. Confidence: something that is always good to have more of but too much makes you proud. Aspirations: Knowing what you want, knowing what you'll be, knowing what you'll do, Its always good to have a dream and to be working towards it.
What qualities do you disapprove of in a person? Players / Casuals: I don't get it... I just don't.. and I don't think I ever will. I believe in love, and loving someone whole heartedly I'm a dumb dumb romantic
What quality do you possess that sets you apart from others? BuBBle-LiCiouS: hahaha I don't even think its a real word, but I know thats what alotta of my friends call me. Its just me! and I know thats me! haha Don't Ask me to describe it cuz I wouldn't know how! You would just have to know me and then you'll be nodding your head to bubble-licous too hehehe
If you were stuck on an island and could bring one item, what would it be? My Glasses... I'm blind without them
Would u rather love someone or be loved? I want it to be both ways.. I wana be crazy about someone, and I want him to be crazy about me too.. 2 crazy people in love
If tomorrow was your last day to live, what would you do? Food!! Good Food Brings everyone together!! Fly everyone I know in SIngapore here to cali, call up all my cali friends and homis and just everyone who knows me.. Throw a big party with lotsa home cookin, groovin music and good company. When everybody in the room is having fun.. I'll sneak out through the back door with my special someone and spend da rest of whats left with him :)
What certain quality don’t you possess, but wish you did? HooChiE-MaMa-Ness: Haha yea.. I've always been known as the "cute one", which is nice but I do wish that I could be this Big SeXi BomB SheLL lol with the Asian ChiNKy EyEs O.O
When was the most courageous moment in your life? When My Ex-BF went into seizure and started turning purple when he fell during a snowboarding incident. I was there cRaZy WoRRieD but remained calmed and handled the situation the way it was supposed to. Nothing Biggy, but when u see a loved one like that, trying to stay calm and not becoming hysterical is such a Hard thing to doo..
When was the most embarrassing moment in your life? When I kissed a boy in a dark closet when I was 6. LOL and he turned around, wiped the slime of his cheek and asked me "What was that?!?!"
What phrase do you use most often? fock (in different tones and situations) :) -----End-----
And here's a little description of the kind of guy I was looking for back then :P
My man has to be independent, smart, funny, intellectual, taller than 5'7", understand my crazy love for cars (best if he is into cars too) Someone who would cuddle me on cold nights under a warm blanky, in front of the fireplace watching a movie and eating CooKie Dough Ice Cream =)~~
Here's some pics that I found digging through my folders for 2003.. -It was also the DAOC (Dark Age of Camelot) Era for me too for you gamers out there :)
Me and Judy Back Then... at the Century Club!! lol Old Skool
Being a Biznoch as usual :P
Sick in my Rubber Ducky PJs... I skipped school
My First Bowl of Pho in Garden Grove
Lunch at My First Real Job :P (check out the chubby cheeks hahaha)
My WORST sunburn ever! Never went out in the sun for 8 hours ever again after that!
Going out to party after Graduation... (I miss my room back in college *sigh*)
This was also the year of Evanescence the 672 when I sang the famous song "My Immortal" in the bathroom, playing DAOC, walking to school... sometimes at the top of my cracking voice >.<
Alrite, so in my conversation with badcowboy last nite I was trying to recall a particular word that was taught in skool and I thot was really cool.. but I couldn't believe that I forgot to so I set forth to find the mysterious word...
Alas I found it.. a list of words for normal human beings trying to find out more about Geek language, great.. I'M A GEEK!!
Otay so here's the test.. if you know the words on this list you're as good as a geek too :P
lol Good Christmas gift for your gf >.< I think its awesome you can get it from they have lotsa geek stuff there =) I love their t-shirt too bad its all mostly for guys.. :P I remember seeing this T-shirt once.. "Even Norton Can't Protect You" lol I thot it was the funniest thing... hahahaha yes I'M a GEEK
Ok I did it this is my 2006 Christmas Wishlist... looking back.. its much more gurlier than previous years.. haha The M6 and the Aston Martin is gone >.< and 1st time in my life I'm craving for a brand named hand bag but thank goodness its not a GUCCI yet
Air Tix to Florida / Paris / Dubai I need a break a nice break.. somewhere with a Disneyland would be awesome like Florida or Paris.. Dubai juz cuz I wana go Dubai >.<
Desktop Carnivorous Plant Set I think it's just something cool to have.. and it'd be fun feeding ants to the plant.. never really seen a plant eat anything in real life
Hannspree Buzz Lightyear LCD TV Isn't this like the cutest thing hahah :P I want it so I can watch Disney Channel at work! I'd probably have to chain it down to the table
CE Burning Crusade: Level 70 Blood Elf Mage Ok I really wana play the bloodelf when it comes out but I'm too lazy to level another character to 60.. do you know how much times its gonna be? And yea I want a mage so ANOTHER mage?
Hasbro's R2D2 Ok this thing is BAD A$$. Its awesome its interactive you can call it and it'll come over you can program it to do different stuff I WANT ONE!!!
A Coach Bag Pretty much I just need a nice branded bag.. >.< fake coaches in SG go for like 100 bux... like the Black Signaure Small Hobo.. that's why maybe the personalized monogram signature stripe reverisble large tote might be better =P
Canon IXY (Mickey) LOL because it's Mickey? I need a camera anyways.. going Hongkong in 16 days and no camera.. how am I gonna take pictures with minnie mouse!
Its Saturday!! yea!!! and I woke up at 6:30 in the morning!!! Sucks to have a built in alarm clock.. -_- I wana sleep longer... Since I had time I decided to make breakfast =)
Went out to get some bread and cheese and this is what I made, Triple decker sandwich with an open heart with eggie at the top =)
This is to top off my sandwich crave!! although I'm hungry again.. FATNESS!!!
And here's a pic from yesterday.. when i brough my gloves to work hehehe thanks hun for reminding me else i would have forgot them again :P
Still cold though but a little warmer.. and typing wasn't as hard as i thot it was juz a little "no feeling" cuz u can't feel the keys and u're uncertain if u're typing the right things =)
Alrite my office is like some kinda meat closet... its FREEZING COLD in there.. I don't know if its cuz I sit under the AC or something but I used the shelf above me to block it already but its STILL FREEZING!
I'm so tempted to bust out my snowboarding gear and just leave it at the office! and THERMALS... I already have like a heating pad... a blanket... my monsta coat... ahhhhhh and its still freezing.. the problem are my hands cuz they're always typing on the keyboard so they're not protected from the cold... grrr. Imma write it down on my forehead to remember to bring my gloves to work tommorow... alkthouagh I kkniowe I';d Porobablky bwe typoingf likue thuis but who cares... I can't stand it.. its freezinggggggggggg
K so I've been having this INSANE craving for a really good sandwich.. I had a chicken mayo sandwich from delifrance on Sunday to try and ease the craving but that shyt was pathetic... and I didn't know where to get a REAL sandwich on this island so I set sail and ventured to make my own!
Thats a quarter left I was too hungry so I pigged out first then used my greasy hands to grab my phone and took this picture >.< Ewwwwwwwwww
From Top to Bottom Light Rye Bread Jamon Cream Cheese Button Mushrooms Hunnie Baked Ham Mushroom Ham Tomato Cucumber Salad Cream Salt and Pepper Iceberg Lettuce Alfafa Sprouts More Salad Cream. Olive Oil Margarine Light Rye Bread
YUM!! that satisfied my Sandwich craving for now...
Gonna make Chicken Teriyaki Sandwiches tommorrow... I think lol if I have time... wait I have no life DUH!
Sandwich Video Just for Laughs (I was exactly like that btw)
Today was one of those "sunshine on a rainy day" kinda day..
Sorta relieved in a way but sad about what I had to do...
Last nite I made a decision to leave my virtual family.. yes I do have a virtual family, its a group of friends that I play World of Warcraft with every night at 9pm been doing that for the past year...
They've been my sanity.. my refuge when I couldn't take what was happening in real life. The guild was always there when I needed someone... I've grown attached to these buncha people.. it wasn't just a game anymore.. They were my family.
And that was how the guild was... like a buncha of family and friends, enjoying the game together.. That's how I liked it..
Lately it hasn't been like that... we've progressed as a guild tremendously.. we've downed more bosses we're like one of the top guilds on the server everybody wants to join us.. but I think we've lost touch with the human / heart factor of the guild, lost sight of our roots and how this guild was started..
Problem is.. the ones making these executive decisions or whom i'm not agreeing with are alot of the people I'm close with in-game and in real life.. So I felt that in order for me to salvage the relationship I had with them.. I had to leave.. before I started seriously hating them..
Spent 3 hours writing the longest forum post I ever wrote... 2 hours deciding whether it should go up...pulled it down once.. put it back up 5 mins lata.. and it stayed..
Bye Creed... I miss you..
Today's been tuff.. tried to keep myself off the game.. blew $60 bucks in an hour at AMARA Shopping center at 11am in the morning.. If anybody knows where AMARA shopping center is and know what they have at AMARA Shopping center I'd give them props..
Exactly I went there just to look for a korean supermarket.. I found it.. ended up buying a whole lotta junk food.. chocopies.. aero chocolate... kiwi cake... Seaweed biscuits.. Salted Roasted Seaweed... Citron Tea... Candies.. yea a whole lotta junk.. Went into watson's bought like some cushies... walked into shop'n'save bought instant noodles... walked into pocinni bought 3 bags, a pink one a silver one and a black one... walked into charles and keith... THANK GOD i walked out without anything.. and I knew I had to go home.....
Lazed around at home...checked my email.. rolled around on my bed.. tried logging on... but thank goodness the que was at 500+ so I didn't wana wait... closed that... lazed around more.. logged on to Burning Crusade... showed my brudder how cool the Night Elves Jump was...
Here's a spoiler for BC.. keyword "SPOILER"
Ran BF with a couple of guys but had to leave halfway for dindin...
DinDin was good... Although I know it doesn't look that way... This was one of my parent's favorite places to eat too..
Sambal Belachan Sea Bass
Chilli Crab
and well we had others too Mee Goreng.. Fried Baby Kailan and Squid You Tiao :P
So I was sick this week my stupid food poisoning lasted 4 days.. but I'm good now.. I hope it lasts...
Imma back track alot.. cuz this week was just insane.. I have like about 15 mins to blog a bit before I have to change and run off to an Island called Sentosa for the Nokia Summit.. but things that happen earlier this week
Steph got her own exhibition booth at this place show casing eco-products, gave her bags lotsa exposure and I'm glad that she's doing good and got a buncha contacts for her business =)
So that night the first night there was a networking cocktail event at the Marina Mandarin... Here are the pics =)
The Ballroom
This is Tacha, we met her at the exhibition and she's from Thailand...
The Bathroom at the Marina Mandarin.. I really like the brushed alloy flush thingy.. thats why I had to take a picture of this bowl :P
Fun with Mirrors :P Steph all smart =)
Me all Slut :P
Current Crazy song.. this song was played at the Fashion Show during the night.. I think its funny juz cuz it says "No One Ugly Allowed" lol cracks me up
I'll try to post over the weekend if I'm not too burnt out.. :P
Dunno what I ate last nite but my tummy hurts like a mofo... been having the runs all day!!!!!!!! argh help!!!!!!!!!!! :( I hope it gets better tommorrow..
Anyways.. I got a hair cut this weekend..
and I really like My Muvee so I mad another video montage LOL
So last weekend was a really long weekend and I was really bored so I started scanning alotta pics...
Digged out photos from every nook and every cranny and at the back of my closets.. (dead bugs were found and squirms were heard) Anyways i got it done..
My 26 years of life all captured into a 12 min long clip.. I wish I had video files... I'd think it'd be cool but the camera adds like 300lbs to my cheeks... BOTH cheeks so i'm passing on that lol, and I don't think very interesting videos anyways.. or hmm nobody takes videos of me... i'm not gonna start walking around pointing a video camera at myself and start taking vids.. or maybe i should.. since I'm sucha cam whore... lol
Anyways.. here's what I came up with...
YES thats me in the baby pink glasses! :P I didn't take alotta pictures during that phase of my life cuz I hated the glasses...
But here's a 411 lol something quik
At 3: I was crazy about Starwars everything in my room was Jedi.. Had the curtains, bed sheets toys.. light sabre... R2D2 Cake for my birthday the works
At 4: Things I remeber around me were hmmm Strawberry shortcake, carebears, smurfs, my little pony, mask, HE-man (I had the castle of grayskull), transformer, rainbow brite
At 5: My favorite toy was a worn out ET plush.. which i wanted to bring to this childrens TV show that was in Singapore at that time called "Romper Room" its juz like sesame street... kids were asked to bring their favorite toy and I wanted to bring mine.. my parents didn't let me cuz they thought ET was too old and tattered and was embaressing so they made me bring a damn chuckie cheese sock puppet instead... I will never forget that day... my 15 mins of fame...I was the sulkiest kid on TV ever..
At 6: I pulled a girl's chair away when she was sitting down.. she fell on her butt and cried.. I was made to stand outside of the class for the rest of the day... Btw: He-man started making out with barbie somewhere around this time too..
At 7: Started Primary School where we learnt how to brush our teeths.. recess was where all the kids would squat at a drain with a tooth brush and tumbler and the school would play the teethbrushing casette every day. The Miss Universe Pageant was held in Singapore too.. wanted to be one of those kids that go on stage and give flowers to the contestants during the evening gown section.. where they all sing "you are my star..." blah blah got rejected cuz i was TOO TALL... never watched Miss Universe again..
At 8: Joined the "Chinese Dance Troupe" because that was the only way I could have LONG HAIR at school.. everybody else had to have the above-the-eye-brow and ear length hair.
At 9: Got Stripped of my Prefect Badge because I was late for assembly
At 10: Five-stones, Pepsi-cola 1,2,3, and those stupid Star Cards the Shiny ones where you put 20cents in and turn the knob. But my favorite had to be ERASER!!!! yea I carried my box of eraser flags proudly. Ji Goo Paa Champion...
At 11: Someone stole my sticker album... boys in my class found that idiot and we approached that slimy wimp... and asked him to pay me back what he destroyed...he went to the discipline mistress... I got accused of extortion and gangstarism...
At 12: Zero-point!! oh and CHEN JUN MING.. crazy crush on this basketball player at skool did I add i was in the Choir too?
At 13: Joined a gangsta skool... At 14: Discovered the wonders of CONTACT LENSES (THANK YOU LORD) At 15: Started secretly smoking At 16: Quit smoking
Here's a pic at the Sony Metreon back in 2002 at the store of my favorite kid's book... "Where the Wild Things Are" =)
This weekend was a sucky one... and it was a LOOONG one too I must add.. :( sucks that I didn't get to go anywhere.. i took a sick leave off from work on Friday.. and today's Monday and it's a holiday for me since Deepavali landed on Saturday.. and I get tomorrow off cuz its Hari Raya, anyways its been a LOONG weekend... and nothing really much to do... so I started watching a Taiwanese soap..
Its called "Devil Beside You" They have all 20 episodes on google video... so watch it before someone pulls it down :P Free soap why not?!?
Here are some of my Favorite Scenes or probably stuff that I miss in a relationship *sigh*
When they wear a "glove" specially made to hold hands :P heh... I used to use a scarf to wrap 'our' hands together.. :P hehee I thot this was really cute.
I miss this... I like it when the guy sleeps on the girls lap.. its like animal grooming and the girl picks the ticks outta his hair and eats them LMAO
OoOOo and I definitely like this the waking Up together... :) after a nite of notti sex lol
Yea and everytime he stares like this I go like "OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG he's soooo MANNNN"
Oh well but juz like every other stupid drama... there's alotta tears... alotta of unnecessary running here and there that I don't really understand why they are runnin or like HUH? oh yea and the kissing scene sucks... haha its like they try to make every kiss look like its "their first kiss" gross OH and especially u know how like in movies they like to slow-mo for the kissing part.. but they put the video feed on slow-mo.. imagine this.. its the ACTORS themselves going slow-mo.. yea its RETARDED imagine like kissing in Real Life.. and u SLOW-MO yourself to kiss? HElloOoOOOOOO ok sorry juz I couldn't stand all the kissing.. yea you can check with my brudder and sister, my siblings knew when there was a kissing scene because I would be screaming in D-I-S-G-U-S-T!
but yea I also hate watching these kinda of lub lub dub dub drama serials.. its like it will never happen the guy is this MANLY guy.. but is always has a soft spot for the girl and like she's the apple of his eye and will drop everything in an instant and run to her need even if she needed juz a bottle opener... DUH.. I can't even pull a guy away from a car or game let alone ask him to drop anything for me BLAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
and the girl OMG... who's like that? so demure.. so pure... so cute... so UGH disgustingly perfect!!!!!!
Makes us wish for something like "Hey how come he never did that for me?" and you know the answer is "ITS JUZ TV NOTHING IS REAL" but if someone could write it.. someone could think of it.. why can't it be?
Every girl wants to be a princess.. to live princess dreams and to be someone's princess.. baby... to be loved...
Anyways.. funny pics of me playing dress-up deciding on what I wana be for halloween.. started as alotta things but I think I like being a princess =) a dead chicken princess.. :P
Playing: One of the Theme Songs.. Rainie Yang - Ai Mei In English the song is called Ambiguity.. "knowing we're more than friends, but we're not a couple" "When should I go forward, When should I give up?" "Are you still the same you?"